This 1946 Aeronca 7AC Champion Is a Low, Slow, Superb ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick

Seeing the world through the big windows of a vintage taildragger is a joy.

1946 Aeronca 7AC Champion [Courtesy: David Province]

Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at daily.

Pilots interested in historic aviation and those who simply want to own an aircraft without breaking the bank are increasingly seeking vintage rag-and-tube taildraggers. Demand for such aircraft, like this Aeronca 7AC Champ and its competitors, including the Piper J-3 Cub, Luscombe 8 series, and Cessna 120, may have driven prices higher in recent years but these models remain relatively inexpensive. They also offer an engaging, tactile, stick-and-rudder flying experience that can be hard to find in this era of autopilots and magenta lines.

Low and slow is the traditional method for flying an airplane like the Aeronca, and that makes sense because the pilot can make out navigational landmarks easier at low altitudes and, well, “fast” simply is not an option in the Champ. Pilots in a hurry to reach Point B should look elsewhere but those who regard every flight as a sightseeing tour will enjoy getting there in an old taildragger. For couples or a pair of friends who like to travel together, an aircraft like this can be the key to memorable weekend getaways.

Do not worry too much if your pilotage skills are rusty. A friend who flies vintage machinery all the time swears by his smartphone, tablet, and handheld com radio. If, by chance, those layers of powered devices fail, there is always the sectional chart. You are carrying one, right?  

This 1946 Aeronca 7AC Champion has 794 hours on the airframe and 200 hours on its engine since overhaul. The panel includes traditional basic VFR instrumentation.

Pilots looking for a truly economical path into general aviation with the benefits of classic tailwheel charm and versatility should consider this 1946 Champ, which is available for $35,000 on AircraftForSale.

If you're interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit

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